Friday, February 7, 2014

Fun Fact #2

My very first job was at Wegmans. For those of you who aren't acquainted, Wegmans is like Whole Foods and Kroger wrapped up together. You get all the gourmet food and specialty stuff, but you can also buy fruit loops and spray cheese.

Back in the day, and by the day, I mean the mid 70's, Wegmans wasn't quite so gourmet, but it was still all that. It was the first store in the area that had bar code scanners! Very high tech.

So, what's this have to do with quilting, you might ask (because it's all gotta revolve around quilting, right?)

Wegmans had a fabric department! I'm not kidding. Two aisles over from the frozen food was the Wegmans Fashion Fabrics!  And because I don't throw away anything, here's the bag to prove it:

along with some remnants my mom saved. I think I made her some muumuus with these gems.

Very groovy, don't you think?

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Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Best Guild Ever!

The Baltimore Modern Quilt Guild, that is.

I started the guild in October of 2010. I had recently moved to Baltimore, didn't know very many people, and wanted to find some quilting friends. Before moving, I joined the DC Modern Guild (no BMQG at the time) not really realizing how far DC was from Baltimore ~ let's just say they are definitely not 20 minutes apart. One of my favorite quotes is "sometimes you gotta create what you want to be a part of" ~ Geri Weitzman. So, I created what I wanted to be a part of. I made a group on flickr, made a post, and within an hour, we had another member. We were on our way! We grew slowly yet steadily, adding new features and new members month after month. Now in our fourth year, the Baltimore Modern Quilt Guild is going strong.

At the end of December I stepped down as president. A planned move to New York this summer coupled with other obligations prompted my decision.  It was bitter sweet, but time. Sadly, weather prevented us from having our end of year celebration and my final meeting.

But then, at our January meeting, I was totally surprised when the guild presented me with this beauty:

Beautiful stars, made by all the members of the guild. I can't express how much I love this quilt! The stars are all so unique (like my guild buddies!) yet work perfectly together. It's truly stunning. Pieced by Deb and quilted by Kathy. I love it. Thank you friends.

Along with the quilt came this bowl full of fortune cookies. Linda made the bowl, and my guild friends filled it with fortunes. I'm savoring all of the well wishes, and reading them very slowly. 

So, yes, my guild is THE BEST! And yes, I'm shouting it!

Thanks so much, my friends!
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Saturday, February 1, 2014


Instead of doing the hundreds dozens of others projects I should be sewing, I'm sewing cats.

I found the #catventquiltalong on instagram, and headed over to Elizabeth Hartman's blog to find the details.

These are very addictive. And, at only 4" x 5", easy enough to do one or two in between other things. A purr-fect way to use up scraps. Okay, that was lame. And honestly, it doesn't use up that many scraps. But, they are cute and colorful and just right for these cold winter days. Two down, 23 to go.
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