We just had one with my guild, The Baltimore Modern Quilt Guild. We did a name tag swap. A quilted name tag has been on my list of things to do forever. And yet it never gets done. So I was super excited for this one.
My partner was Kat. I was hoping to get her! She's super cool, and she has a short name, lol! Her only request was to make it green. I pieced her name using Tonya Ricucci's Word Play Quilts and couldn't resist adding one of my tiny improv log cabins to it. There's room on either side of the log cabin for a pin or two, and the back side has a pocket for business cards, cash, whatever. I made it lanyard style - easy on, easy off.
Deb got me as a partner. She knows me well - an improv star!
She got all fancy and had my name embroidered! Thanks, Deb! Love it! And I'll never be nameless at a meeting again.
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