Our next challenge in the Baltimore Modern Quilt Guild is Modern Log Cabins. The challenge is to make one, or a few, that will ultimately be donated to the South East Early Head Start Program (SEEHS.) We've done a few projects for the center, and always like to supply them with quilts (each child in the program gets a quilt and a book, so they can create their own cozy reading corner at home.)
So, for Cabins #1, I asked my gals in Bee Vintage to make me wonky log cabins (out of vintage sheets, natch.)
I'm not so sure yet. I think they're kind of looking a little washed out. Although on my monitor, they look better. But I also perked them up in Photoshop, which I can't do in real life. I threw the grey in there to see if I like it better with a little sashing. Again, not so sure. And, I don't really love sewing sashing.
Anyway, for Cabin #2, I pulled out my solids scrap bin, and took out the reds, blues, whites, creams and greys. Oh, and black, too.
Here's what I have so far. And I really like it. But, is it too, I don't know, too mature maybe for infant to three year olds?
I think I need to keep working on both.
I like them both (especially the solids one) but I can see what you mean about you may want a little more color for babies. You are still ahead of me! I have a design in my head (Ha!) but nothing sewn yet. Brava!
I like the solids for a baby too. I hope you finally got my bee vintage blocks, sorry to be so late getting them out to you!
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