Monday, November 17, 2014

Quiltmaker's 100 Blocks Blog Tour & Giveaway!

The Quiltmaker's 100 Blocks Blog Tour kicks off today! And guess what??  I have a block in it!!

This is my first time submitting a block to Quiltmaker! How fun is that?

This issue (Volume 10, which means there have been 1000 blocks to date!) is chock full of inspiration and patterns so you can make the blocks as well. I already have a few that are on my must make list. I'm sure you'll recognize many of the designers names. So honored to be in their company!

If this is your first time here, Hi! I'm Heather. I've been quilting for over 25 years. I'm the founder of the Baltimore Modern Quilt Guild. I teach and lecture in and around Baltimore, MD/PA/DE and Virginia. I'm also a contributing author to Classic Modern Quilts. Thanks for stopping by!

Here's the cover of the magazine, so you can recognize it easily when you're out shopping. (Or, if you're feeling lucky, see below to win a copy of your own!)

So, ready to see my block?

It's so artfully named "Pines and Spools." I started with an improv pieced pine tree, sat it on top of a tiny spool trunk, and topped it with a yo-yo star. Fun, right?

Would you like to win your own copy of? Just leave me a comment below. Since it's right before Thanksgiving, let me know what you're grateful for this season. For an extra chance to win, follow me on instagram. I'm @heatherkojan. Then come back and leave another comment letting me know you're a follower! Oh, and make sure I have a way to reach you, too!

Thanks for visiting! Enjoy all the other stops on the blog tour!

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Anita said...

Great tree! I am thankful for the season we are entering into now.

charlotte said...

Love your tree. I am grateful for good medicine and terrific doctors.

Martina said...

Lovely block! I am thankful for a warm house!

Pat said...

Cute block! I'm grateful that I don't have to drive anywhere for Thanksgiving!

Kathryn said...

I'm Grateful for a lovely new granddaughter.

Jocelyn said...

What a cute block! I am thankful for so many things. My family, good friends, and my faith.

Unknown said...

I am thankful for my husband who is also my best friend. He supports me and my quilting addiction.

Helen Bowie said...

Hi I am thankful for family and the freedom we have to be able to go onto a site and see such wonderful quilts etc. Thanks and Happy Thanksgiving!

Allison said...

Oh, so grateful for my beautiful grandchildren who live near me!

Helen Bowie said...

Thankful for family and wonderful sites like yours that you share for us to get inspiration and happiness.

Karen in Breezy Point said...

I'm grateful that I'm not having Thanksgiving at my house this year! Congrats on having your block chosen for the magazine!

Auntie Clark said...

I am grateful for my husband. He supports me in so many ways.

Needled Mom said...

Cute block!!! I like the name of it too. I am thankful for my healthy family.

Needled Mom said...

I am a follower.

Debbie said...

Love your tree.

I am grateful for my children and grandchildren

Quilting Tangent said...

I'm thankful for family.

Sandra said...

Very cute block indeed.I am thankful for having a wonderful family and for finding the love of my life. Thank you for being a part of this blog hop and the chance to win a copy of this awesome magazine that is filled with so many talented designers with their creative blocks to enjoy over and over again.

Sandi Timmons

Jessica Jo said...

I am grateful for my heater and my fireplace this winter. It's already snowing!

Melva said...

Congrats on being included in this publication! Your tree block is super cute! Thanks for the opportunity to win volume 10!

cynthia said...

Your block is adorably clever! I'm grateful for my three children.

The Knotty Lass said...

I love that block! I'm grateful for wonderful quilt designers like you!

Deborah said...

Lots of different techniques to learn from your block. I am grateful for my family and the closeness that we feel for each other. poladydwd at yahoo (dot) com

Margaret said...

I am grateful that I have family to spend time with at Thanksgiving.

Margaret said...

I am following on Instagram as marg1950

Unknown said...

I am thankful this year for my new twin boys. They are five months old, and we are very excited to celebrate the holidays with them.


Unknown said...

I am a new Instagram follower. @jdzwief


Denise :) said...

It's nice to meet you! Your tree is quite darling and the name is perfect. I grew up outside of Annapolis, so we were practically neighbors. I'm grateful for loving family and friends! :)

Denise :) said...

And I do follow you on Instagram -- as @daneesey! :)

Anonymous said...

Congrats on being published! Thanks so much for the chance to win :) I'm so grateful for my wonderful family and friends.
Debby E

Jodi - usairdoll said...

Congratulations on having your block in Quiltmaker's 100, Vol. 10! What a fun block and would make a darling runner. I'm thankful that my family is healthy.

Thank you for a super giveaway and a chance to win.


KMSC said...

Your block is so cute! Congrats.
I'm very thankful for my wonderful family and great friends!

Linda said...

You are a rockstar, Heather! That is a super cute block. I'm grateful for so many things-my family and my online quilting friends , wine, a distinct lack of snow...

Linda said...

And of course I follow you on IG.

Anonymous said...

I always come back at this time of year to Family!

I'm so grateful for my siblings, my spouse and children, my nieces and nephews and happy to have them _all_ in my world.

:) Linda

Laura said...

This season I am so grateful that we welcomed a daughter-in-law to our family on the 8th. Another family to celebrate with and teach us their traditions!

Regina said...

Grateful for hubby and son - and a new job on the horizon with lots of new opportunities for all 3 of us!

Apple Avenue Quilts said...

Very cute block! I love the spool trunk.

Marilyn S said...

I'm grateful for a warm home with room for my family and all my sewing stuff!

Harvey said...

I'm so grateful for being married to such a wonderful, talented wife!

Sandy said...

Love the Holiday season. I'm thankful for our daughter and grandchildren and that we live nearby to watch them grow up.

Aggiequilter said...

I'm grateful for recovering after a recent car accident ! Almost back up to speed now. Grateful for our family and friends help and caring - and looking forward to the Thanksgiving holiday! Thanks for sharing with us!

Anonymous said...

Great little tree, but I have to top it with a free form cut tree must have a star on top :)

alaskamarge said...

Now, this block is cute and I want to make it. Can't wait until I can make it. I think it is the perfect block to make as a Christmas gift for someone in my quilt guild. I am thankful for your block! I am thankful for family and friends. Thank you for sharing.

Deonn said...

Heather this little tree with the spool trunk really caught my eye, how fun! Thankful for this season of giving and sharing!

Jennifer Thomas said...

I'm so grateful for a healthy family. Your block is adorable!!!! Have a super day!

quilt lady said...

I like your idea of using a spool for the tree trunk. I am thankful everyday for my wonderful family.

Cindy Maki said...

I am so grateful for my family and friends. Thanks for the giveaway op.

vwlady said...

Very cure block...congrats on being a 1st timer! I'm thankful for all my grandkids & great grandkids!

Karen Smith said...

Congratulations on having a block in the 10th issue! I just moved from VA to Washington state - drat! I'll miss your presentations and whatnot. I'm grateful for family and good friends this Thanksgiving. (Really like your tree block, BTW)

Dorothy H said...

What a neat little tree! Love it!

Jennifer said...

Congratulations on making the issue! These are my absolute favorite magazines and I look forward to each issue. Your block is great! Absolutely love how the tree is made and the spool for the trunk is genius! Thanks for the inspiration!

Loris said...

This year I'm grateful that I about to retire :-) Wahoo!
I love your block...especially the use of the spool at the trunk of your festive tree! I'm following you on IG as well now.
Thank you for participating in the tour!

kbo said...

I'm thankful for the happy times with family and friends.

Elizabeth said...

Sweet, sweet block! I'm grateful, of course, for my family, though not all live near. We still keep in touch a lot--which not all families can say.

Unknown said...

I am thankful to be moving into my new house tomorrow! Great block that I will need to make soon!

Catskill Quilter said...

I am very grateful for computers and the internet! I have one child who lives in Sweden, and another who lives in Japan.

quiltmama said...

I am thankful for my new grandson, born on 11-14-14. First boy of 5.

Quilted bear lady said...

I am most thankful for wonderful friends and a great way to spend my time imagining and creating... Quilting!

Dana Gaffney said...

I'm always Thankful for my family.

Kathy L said...

What a cute block!

Kathy L said...

So thankful for family and friends.

CyndyK said...

Congratulations on being chosen for the magazine. I love your tree. How Cute! I am grateful for good health and good friends. Thanks for sharing with us. Cynthia Knapp

JoyceLM said...

Cute tree - thanks for sharing. I'm thankful for my family, especially my 3 sisters. We all quilt & though we live in 4 different states we keep connected through block exchanges, round robins & group quilts.

tac73 said...

I'm grateful most for my family.

Ronna said...

I am thankful for family above all else. My hub supports my quilty stuff and my kids are appreciative of what they receive. This last year has been kinda rough as being the mom of 6 kids I have one left at home...makes me appreciate our time together so much more. Holidays here we come!

Ronna said...

following on Instagram as Prairie Cricket..

Debbie -- Sheltered Stitches said...

I;m greatful for the internet and all the fabulous blogs to fuel my new passion!

JANET said...

I am thankful for good health, and a great place to live. Love your block, it is really cute!

Linda said...

I am Thankful that my husband and I are able to RV in the South during the winter.

Sarah said...

I am grateful for the Thanksgiving basket we'll be getting this year!

Lisa E said...

I had a health scare last month, so I'm very thankful for my health this year!

Lori said...

such a cute block, thanks for sharing.

Lisa England said...

Oh my goodness, so cute! I want to make some before Christmas!

Unknown said...

I'm thankful for family, friends, and even the storm brewing outside my window.

Pat said...

Love the tree. I am thankful for friends and family. Love your block.

Quilter Kathy said...

So so fun! What a great block! And the yoyo on the top of the tree is perfect! I'm thankful for the gift of quilting in my life!

ytsmom said...

I love the tree, especially the spool trunk! I am grateful for good health, my best quilting buddy's husband was just diagnosed with ALS. We never fully appreciate what we have.

carol said...

Nice happy tree.

I am thankful for those I love being alive this Thanksgiving.

Dawn said...

I am thankful for my Lord Jesus Christ and my family.
dawnm1993 at gmail dot com

Dawn said...

I follow you on on Instagram (cher277)
dawnm1993 at gmail dot com

Grammie said...

I'm grateful for a healty, beautiful family.

Lee Ann L. said...

Oh my goodness, that is so cute! I am grateful that the power is on. (It was out for four hours this morning.)

Unknown said...

I am thankful for another year with friends, family, and quilting.

Unknown said...

This year I am very grateful to have my mom around for another year. Last September she was diagnosed with Metastatic breast cancer. It was a hard blow for us to hear. Now I am grateful for every day we have with her now. She will have to have treatments for the rest of her life. So we are all very grateful to have her with us still. Love the block, it is so fun. Congrats on being chosen for the magazine.

NJG said...

I'm grateful for the sweet lady who taught me to quilt. Congratulations on your block being selected.

BillieBee (billiemick) said...

I'm grateful for my DH....great guy and best friend.

Gill said...

I'm thankful for my health and that of my family.

PegP said...

Aww, cute tree block! I am grateful for my family, friends and fabric!

lefuntz said...

I am so very thankful for my family. and... Thank You for the cute little tree.

sunnyellow said...

I am grateful for my husband, Mr. Wonderful. I don't think he knows how much I appreciate all he does. I need to let him know!

Also thankful for our families!

sunnyellow said...

I'm now following you on Instagram! :)

Unknown said...

I am most grateful for my children and grandchildren

Joanna said...

Cute block. I'm thankful that I live in a free country.

Bonny from Cat Den Mountain said...

A terrific block for a holiday quilt. I am also seeing potholders and coasters with this design.

LeAnn R said...

Great tree. I am grateful that for my kids and grandkids.

Kathy said...

I am grateful for everything I have in my life- I can not ask for more.

barbara woods said...

would love to win, thanks

Anonymous said...

Congrats on getting in the 100 Blocks magazine! What a wonderful block. I'm grateful for my health and my family.

BlondeNana said...

Congratulations on your inclusion in the latest issue of the 100 Blocks magazine. You have arrived. The combination of blocks to make that tree was a stroke of great design. I am thankful for my family and especially for my son who survived his life-threatening injuries during the war in Iraq in 2006. God bless all my friends and thankful they are part of my life.

Carmen Tucker said...

I am thankful that God called me and made me who i am!

Anonymous said...


cookie said...

Love your tree block. We are grateful for 7 grown sons, 7 wonderful daughter-in-laws and 20 wonderful grandchildren.

Carrie P. said...

Congratulations on having a block in one of my favorite magazines.
I am grateful for my first grandson.

Regina Harris said...

The yogo on top of tree is great. I'm grateful for my family.

Marilyn said...

Cute Christmas Tree!

CurlyGirlMom said...

I am so very grateful for a home filled with warmth and love (and a sewing machine to keep me busy)! I think it's going to be a long, cold winter!

Rhonda said...

I am so very grateful that God saw fit to bless me with a wonderful husband who is step dad to my 2 sons and grandpa to 4 grandkids...all of which I'm so grateful to call mine.

Barbara said...

I am so grateful for my family. I am certainly blessed.

SeeAmySew said...

Being a 3 1/2 yr self taught quilter. I am thankful for all the info and inspiration from blogs like yours as well as others, "Sew" much inspiration and information for those of us with less experience. Congrats and thanks for sharing. <3

Rochelle aka Bella Quilts said...

Heather, I like the tree and the way you incorporated the spool as the base. Always a use for little yo-yo's. I'm grateful that my children live near and I can enjoy them and the grandchildren.

gerif said...

I'm grateful for our health and happness

Lou said...

I am SO thankful for my loving and supportive hubby:)
The tree is too too cute!!!!

Kris said...

So grateful and thankful for such a wonderful husband! He has been so sweet and loving during my recovery from knee surgery.
Love your block!

Nancy said...

Congrats on being in the book!

Nancy said...

I'm following you on Instagram! (goonyburd)

Lee said...

i am grateful for my families good health! thank you!

Susan L. said...

I am thankful for my family.

Karyn said...

Congrats on being in the 100! A total honor. I'm grateful that we have so much. Even when money runs low, a quick look around reminds me we are bountiful.

Pat V. said...

I am very grateful that my DH is helping me turn our bonus room into a quilting studio! I am so lucky!

Diane said...

I'm grateful for a nice warm house on these cold days and nights!

Chantal said...

Great idea to use a spool for the trunk. Love it. We already had Thanksgiving in Canada but every day I am thankful for being able to get out of bed and be a mother to my boys. Thanks for the chance.

Mary said...

I am grateful for my family, friends, and excellent health.

Janie said...

So thankful for family! It's been a tough year for us! Love them all!

Barb Johnson said...

I'm grateful for a grandson on the way!
He's due the Sunday after Thanksgiving, so depending on when he decides to arrive, we may have to postpone the turkey dinner!

Nanaofck said...

I am thankful I will be with family on Thanksgiving.

Nanaofck said...

I follow you on IG.

Tinliz said...

Your block is delightful, especially the spool tree holder.

Unknown said...

Last night we went to bed with water dripping from my kitchen ceiling. The kitchen in on the 1st floor. The 2nd floor has a bonus room. Anyway, we couldn't find where the water was coming from. I am very thankful that I still had a kitchen ceiling this morning and that it has not rained today. We had a new roof put on this past August, and the roofer said he would come look at the roof tomorrow. I am praying that he will be able to find and fix the problem. Nancy:

Lorraine said...

Cute block! So sweet that you got the bird and star positioned the way you did! I am thankful for an awesome husband and the years we've had together.

Debi said...

I'm thankful that my 21-year-old kitty is still with me, still energetic despite a few health issues, and still alert and interested in everything around him.

(P.S. I love the tree! What a great block!)

MissPat said...

Love your tree.

I'm thankful that almost everyone in our family is healthy and that my brother-in-law, who is being treated for leulemia, is progressing well.

Lady London Berry said...

Love your tree and especially the trunk spool. I am so thankful that healing and restoration are coming to my family after 17 years of prayer.

Joyce Carter said...

Congratulations and thank you for the giveaway. I am thankful for my family and friends.

Marsha B said...

Love your tree, it is sew cute! I am grateful for my family, especially my new grand daughter, she is such a cutie!

Pixie Cat said...

I'm thankful for my family and friends and that I can pursue my creative hobbies.

Pixie Cat said...

I follow you on Instagram (purplepix22),

Emily C said...

I am grateful for my sweet husband, who will wake at the crack of dawn to get me to work on time.

Vicki H said...

I am thankful for my family and that I can create great gifts for them.

Kathy E. said...

Would I love to win? You betcha! I am most thankful for my wonderful husband who puts up with my fabric and sewing obsession! (He admits it could be worse.)

Doris Rice, The Quilting Queen said...

Congratulations on your first block being published! And it's a great one too! Love it!

Grammy's Quilting Studio said...

I've got the yo yo ready to go! I am thankful for a husband who understands my need to sew and gives me the space and time to cultivate my art.

ritainalaska said...

congrats on your winning pine and spools block! am so thankful I can still putter around in my quilt room!

Anonymous said...

What am I thankful for? My two children and wonderful husband! (who let me spend LOTS of time quilting :) )

Diantha said...

I'm thankful for my family - that my children live not too far away.

Debbie said...

I am thankful for my family, especially my new grandson.

nan_c said...

I'm thankful for my family and our good health. I am also thankful for technology that allows these awesome blog hops!!

Kathy H said...

I am grateful for my family and friends.

WoolenSails said...

Wonderful block and congratulations on getting your block in the new issue. I am grateful for all of the online friends I have made, through the years.


Andrea said...

Thank you for the giveaway. I am thankful for all the things in my life that I take for granted.

@lutzcats said...

Thankful for my cat! Almost lost her 2 weeks and prayers got her back.

Donna said...

Thanks for giveaway, and I am thankful to have family close by.

Unknown said...

I am so Thankful for my health and a Wonder husband and family that supports my "habit" of quilting. ;-)

Diana said...

I am thankful for all my family & friends, and a warm house cause it is freezing outside!

Unknown said...

What a clever Christmas tree, the spool trunk is great, Kathy in Colo repzjr at plains dot net

Linda said...

Love the block. I am thankful for my loving husband and family.

Joyful Quilter said...

As always I grateful for the time I get to spend with my family at Thanksgiving.

Walter said...

I just love the tree. I'm grateful I will have family and friends around our table for Thanksgiving.

Brenda E. said...

I am grateful for the many blessings given to my family this past year.

Cindy said...

I'm grateful for a brand new grandbaby that is on its way right now. :)

Fun block.

Cathryn said...

Love the Tree! Combines the season with sewing. Fun!

Betty Woodlee said...

I'm thankful for my quilty friends, especially my two sisters.

SandyMay said...

Cute little tree. I am grateful for good health and for the many wonderful on-line quilting blogs.
swalker287 (at) aol (dot) com

Unknown said...

well made tree. I am thankful for the last 8 years that I wouldn't have without dialysis.

EJCROSS said...

Great tree an idea I could use, never thought of using a spool base. Thanks

Farm Quilter said...

Adorable tree!! I am grateful for my family, from my dad who is 93 to my granddaughter who is 1!

Barbara Washburn said...

The block is really cute. I'm grateful for all the blessings God has given me this year, especially the sweet ladies that are teaching me to quilt!

Beth said...

I am thankful for our lovely, thoughtful veterinary practice, who takes tender care of our dogs, cats, chickens, and of us too on days when they have to give us sad news. Kindness like theirs is a precious gift during dark times. Today was a bad day, but there is still something to be thankful for.

Beth said...

I already follow you on Instagram. My name there is wordygirl11.

Unknown said...

I am thankful that I can pursue my love of quilting because I have the time and a very supportive husband. I hear people complaining about their husbands and I silently thank God that my husband is practically perfect. He truly is my best friend!

Grandma Shell said...

Awesome idea for a darling tree! I'm grateful for my family and my faith that God will take care of me.

Mama Spark said...

Your tree is adorable! My block that got accepted was a tree too!! I am grateful that this year is coming to an end! It has not been a very good year for me so happy to see it on the way out!

Unknown said...

Hi Heather
This is the first time I have been on a Blog Tour. I had no idea that they would be so different. Finding where to write the comment on each one is quite a challenge.
I really enjoy the Modern Quilt movement but I don't like the name. In fifty years time, will it still be the Modern movement? Will they refer to quilts of fifty years ago, as "Modern" quilts?
I have recently tried a small mug rug using the paper piecing method. It was great fun to try the new technique. Your tree looks really lovely.
I am thankful for the time that I have to spend quilting.

Sharon K. Jack said...

thanks for the block in the magazine. I love it

kt said...

Love your tree! I am thankful that my father-in-law seems to be recovering nicely from his fall and is keeping up everyone's spirits.

Madeline said...

I'm grateful for the help I'm getting from all the professionals with my daughter's mental health problems. I had no idea what to do to help her.

Julie said...

Happy Holidays. thanks for the chance to win.

cityquilter grace said...

so many blessings this year but always for family....and i love this block. ideal for me, a scrappy quilter! and congrats on your inaugural block!

Dee said...

I am thankful for family. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

Unknown said...

Hello Heather,

I am grateful for time to quilt!

Sorry, not on Instagram. Too much time on social media already! Need that time to quilt!

LizA. said...

Love! this block. A few of these would make a cute table runner or mantel hanging.

Rozz01 said...

I am thankful that my elderly mother can share the Holidays with us.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on having your block published! I am thankful for family and friends.

Darlene B said...

After having both of my daughters get married in the last 11 months, I am grateful that God provided them with Christian husbands. I am blessed!

Vivian said...

I love the dove in the tree. I am grateful I got a new job!!

Judy1522 said...

Beautiful block! I am thankful for my family and the times that I am able to spend with them.

Unknown said...

I like the tree a lot, have a thing for Xmas trees in quilts that look like this one. One of the things I am grateful for this season is people like you who are generous in sharing their ideas with us.

Suze said...

I'm grateful that I'm a ten year breast cancer survivor and I had another lumpectomy in October and am cancer free. It was a mass that was pressing on a nerve.
Congrats on your publish. I love the use of the spool and the yoyo - a couple of sewing staples. I hope I win a magazine.

Rachell said...

Congrats! So exciting!
I'm so grateful for my baby. He is #3 and our last baby, all boys. Our family felt incomplete to me, but it was a hard fight at first to try again. I get so sick and preeclampsia every pregnancy, so my husband was so worried. Baby got here safe and sound, and is now 10 months old and a little delight. I love him so much and can't wait to see his first Christmas, and finish his quilt.

Janet said...

I'm grateful that Canadian thanksgiving is over and I don't have to have ANOTHER big turkey dinner. :) Love your fun block.

Jeanne in Ohio said...

I'm grateful to live in this wonderful country. Love your block!

kck83 said...

I am thankful that God reigns supreme! No matter what may come!

Susan said...

We don't celebrate Thanksgiving here, but I am always grateful for the life I lead in a peaceful country, and I hope it never changes.

Lyn said...

I'm grateful for a warm hug on a cold day!

Annmarie said...

I am thankful for my health - I have so many family & friends with troubles right now. Happy Thanksgiving - your block is great.

Cecilia said...

Cute block! I'm thankful for my family and friends.

MaryBeth said...

Great block. Congratualations. said...

Sweet tree. I am grateful I do not have to cook this year! A daughter is cooking.

GeniP said...

What a cute block!! Thankful for family :) genipickens at gmail dot com

Nancy said...

I am thankful that I am still here on this earth to enjoy my family this Thanksgiving. Was diagnosed with an incurable form of leukemia in 2002 and am just amazed at how well I am doing. AMEN

Angelia Lanouette said...

Your Pines and Spools block is adorable. Congratulations on your first block! I am grateful for my family!

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