Can I just say how tickled I am to be part of this book, this tour, this whole experience? The people at My Stars and Kansas City Star have been wonderful. My co-authors are awesome. I'm really humbled to be in their company.
Here's a few "process pictures" of my quilt Happy Camper. I named it that because of the fabric line I used, S'more Love by Cosmo Cricket for Moda. Lots of campers, fish, owls, ya know, camping stuff. Had it had kayaks, I'd deem it the perfect fabric!
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My original sketch |
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Thanks Moda for the Bundle o' Fabric |
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Putting things together |
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Can you see the acorns and oak leaves? Thanks Maria O'Haver! |
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Oh happy day when I finished the top! |
So, about the book. Would you like your own copy? Of course you would.
Leave me a comment below to be entered in the drawing. Tell me what you're thankful for this year. (Can never have enough gratitude, right?) Me? I'm grateful to be able to have a little time each day to do what I love. If you want to follow me on Instagram (I promise I won't bombard you with too many cat or food pictures!) or Bloglovin' (love my morning coffee and Bloglovin'!) leave me a separate comment for an extra chance. You can use those cute little buttons on the right. The contest ends November 27th (oh, what a good day that is! 21 years ago on that day I became a momma! ) I'll draw a name Thanksgiving morning.
Be sure to see my friend John tomorrow for another chance to win! I met John at market.
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He's gonna shoot me when he sees this picture. |
And if you want to follow along, here's the whole line up for the tour:
Nov. 11: Lisa Calle,
Nov. 12: Lynne Goldsworthy,
Nov. 13: Lauren Hunt,
Nov. 14: Heather Kojan, That's me!
Nov. 15: John Kubiniec, www.bigrigquilting.blogspot.
Nov. 18: Adrianne Ove,
Nov. 19: Trisch Price,
Nov. 20: Tammie Schaffer, Tia Curtis,
Nov. 21: Amy Smart,
Nov. 22: Susan Strong, www.strongstitches.wordpress.

What a really happy quilt you have made :) Thank you for a chance to win the book.
This year I am thankful for great opportunities to change my life which I have jumped at. And especialle thankful for my husband who is sharing my adventures :)
Following you on Instagram!
I am grateful for my family, and for the freedom to pursue artistic activities including quilting.
News from the Philippines has made me grateful that I live in a place where the risk of natural disasters is very low. And of course, I'm thankful for my family, friends, and a generally good life.
I am thankful for my ability to make things. I am also thankful for my health, family, friends and co-workers. I have so much to be thankful for. This is only the tip of the iceberg.
I follow you via bloglovin'
What a lovely, cheery quilt! I'm grateful for so many things! My family, husband, his job after a lay off, and I get paid to work/play at a quilt shop! Thanks for the opportunity to win this book!
Your quilt is fantastic, love the fabrics you used. I'm really thankful for my family & particularly thankful that my Mother has responded really well to her treatments for Ovarian cancer. Thanks for the chance to win a copy of this fab book.
I love that quilt, great job!! I am thankful for my family. Their support gives me the freedom to indulge myself in my quilting passion.
I am following you on Instagram! More cat pictures please, lol.
Heather, I love your quilt. Are you going to bring it to the sew in Saturday? Would love to see it up close and personal.
I'm grateful that I found the Baltimore MQG last year. :)
Here's a curious thing. I follow you on Bloglovin' but I couldn't post a comment through there. I had to pull you blog up separately. Is that weird?
I am thankful that I am able to stay home part time and spend time with my little ones.
I follow your wonderful blog through bloglovin
This looks such a great book!
I'm thankful for the continuing good health of my husband.
Bloglovin follower!
Cute lock! I am thankful for my family!
I am really enjoying this book/blog tour. Thank you so much!!
Oh, and I am thankful for my husband and beautiful three and life.
I am thankful for all of the opportunities I've had to make baby quilts this year.
I am thankful that I look presentable in the picture you snapped at Market. Can't wait to join in our quest for Quilt Domination!
I am truly thankful for God, my family and friends. This has been a rough year and without all of them I would be lost. I am so thankful for the fact that I get a little time to quilt and make things for others after a long day at work. I call Quilting my Stress Buster. Thanks for including me in your giveaway.
Grateful I live in one of the most beautiful parts of our country - western Washington, very near the Pacific Ocean. So beautiful here with temperate weather.
So glad to have seen your blog thru this tour!
Hi Heather. I was so thrilled to finally get to see your Quilt. It's great. I am thankful for my children, most of the time.
I am thankful that I am able to take (relatively) early retirement. I have only 11 more days to get up and get ready for work! :)
Lovely quilt.
I'm thankful for all the support my family gives me, and that I can share my quilting/fabrics with my friends.
I love your Happy Camper, and taht it's not foundation pieced! I was beginning to think I was the only one...
I'm grateful for my adult children who love me and want me to be with them for the holidays!
I am grateful for a new granddaughter that brightens our days.
I'm great foul for lots of pretty fabric to sew with and friends and family to gift with quilts.
I follow you via Bloglovin cause I love reading blogs :-)))
I like that design process, I might have to try it. Thank you for the giveaway, and I'm grateful for my cats who are keeping me warm while I'm on the computer!
Lovely book and giveaway! I'm grateful for my quilting friends!
I am grateful for my grandchildren. Love your quilt, it is an awesome feeling when you finished a top.
Thankful for quilting friends! Thanks for the giveaway!
I REALLY like this block!
The book looks wonderful. I'm thankful for my health and my family's health! And, this morning, my 16-year-old teenager spontaneously hugged me. That doesn't happen much now!
Love your quilt, I'm thankful for my family,and friends and all the support they give throughout they year.
I'm thankful for two new great grandsons this year. Both mothers and sons are doing well.
Heather I love the quilt design! Now I just need a copy of the book. :)
I am so thankful for my lil family of three! ... And I would also be very thankful if I WIN! lol
I am thankful for my family. Congrats on a beautiful quilt!
I am thankful for my family. Congrats on a beautiful quilt!
I am thankful for the dear, dedicated vets who take such good care of the dogs, cats, and chickens we love. We have spent a lot of time at our veterinary clinic and they have been wonderful.
I have so much I am thankful for that I could fill the whole blog!! But at the moment I feel most grateful for the fact that I have an 18 year old daughter who was not too embarassed to spend the day shopping with her old Mom!!!
I'm thankful that I can afford to do the crafting that I enjoy, and that I have friends and family to make things for!
I'm thankful just to see another day because time is like charm, we never have as much as we think.
I'm thankful for my husband, children,and grandchildren. Ad for the chance to be able to quilt each day. Congratulations on being in the book. Tank you for the chance to win.
I'm thankful for my husband and family! This year and every year, actually. :)
I follow via BlogLovin! Thanks for the chance!
I'm a follower on Bloglovin'. My birthday is Nov 28 - many years before you became a momma, though. Congrats on being a momma.
Thanks for a chance to win a book. First, we just confirmation that I am the grandmother of an adorable 4 month old baby girl. My first granddaughter to three grandsons. And, I've been having double vision. I cannot even see to thread a needle. So, I am thankful that even though I'm anxious I'm having surgery next week to have surgery on both my eyes. Hopefully six weeks after that, I'll have a new glass Rx so I'll be able to see to piece again. God is very gracious. We are all blessed in the US for our freedoms and most of us take them for granted. Even people in other countries with many luxuries take them for granted and many people have sacrificed for these. Congrats on being published and thank you for the giveaway.
Love your quilt! I am thankful for God's grace and my family.
How awesome! I'm thankful I'm able to stay home full time and get the chance to sew while my little one sleeps!
I'm very grateful for all my quilting friends, and all friends really. Love Ty and Chase! Thank you for the giveaway!
Thanks for the giveaway. I like your quilt. It would make an awesome quilt for a young person I know.
Thankful for a happy, peaceful life.
Follow on bloglovin.
I am thankful for the hope that I have :-)
I'm thankful that I get to spend some quality time with my dad. Even though he is pretty far away I am driving there every week b/c you never know. congrats on being part of the book tour!
I am so thankful for my family and most especially for my wonderful husband! I'm a very very blessed woman!
I am thankful for my health!
I am thankful for a happy healthy family, my son turned one year old this year, and it has been the most amazing year of my life.
I am thankful for the awesome teachers at my daughter's school.
I am thankful for a roof over my head and a loving family.
smjohns63 at yahoo dot com
I follow on bloglovin.
smjohns63 at yahoo dot com
LOVE those fabrics and LOVE that pattern! great job! Im grateful that my husband will be coming home from another deployment safe and sound! (and hopefully I didnt jinx his last few weeks by saying that!) Thank you so much for the opportunity :) ~ nicole (nicole at lillyella dot com)
I love your fabric selection for your quilt! I am grateful for my family, my health, and the opportunities I have to learn and help others.
I am thankful for my family. My dad started Chemo this fall for lung cancer, so I am especially grateful for time spent with him.
I am thankful for our friends and family --- they enrich our lives!!
I'm thankful for a wonderful, supportive husband. -- soparkaveataoldotcom
I am thankful for my two healthy little children.
I am so thankful for my dear husband. He looks after me 24/7. What a treasure.
I'm thankful for my husband of almost 30 years who has been a great friend, faith companion and a wonderful father to our 3 children.
I am grateful that I am able to get back to quilting this year. Last year I broke my wrist and after major surgery it was a long way back with therapy. It's nice to be able to quilt again. Thanks!
Family, a new house (finally), and free book giveaways! (:
Gorgeous quilt! That fabric bundle looks yummy! hehe. I'm thankful that all of my family is in good health. I worry about my Mom in another state, my kids and my grandson. We are Blessed! This book looks awesome and my fingers are crossed, hehe.
Thank you for a super giveaway and a chance to win.
I'm a new follower via BlogLovin, FB (request sent), Pinterest and Instagam. Did I over do it? hehe.
Thanks again for a chance to win.
I am grateful for my wonderful husband and sons. They are my rocks. My DIL's are my loving cushions who spoil me rotten. My grandchildren who are my breath. My loving Maverick (6 pounds of terror chihuahua) he is the happiness and love in my daily life.
I follow you on Bloglovin'
I am thankfull I have been able to quilt tops for me as well as finish projects for others. And happy to still be inspired!
I'm thankful for my husband who doesn't fuss when I add to my collection!!
Thanks for the chance to win!!
I am so grateful for my family - and the way they pretend that my quilting overtaking the house is normal! kathleendotlutzatcomcastdotnet
I'm thankful for learning to quilt and my family. It makes every day better.
I'm following on IG and Bloglovin. Thanks for the chance!
I am thankful for my faith , my family and my friends.
Heather, this is such a happy quilt! I am thankful for so much, especially my faith which helps me to see my life as a total gift!
I'm thankful for my family and my stash.
I love the campers! I am thankful for my husband and my two year old twins. They make my life.
Following via bloglovin.
I am thankful for this adventure we are on - husband retired and we now have a little piece of land in the mountains. Wow it is a dream come true.
I love your quilt! I was just gifted a half-pack of Smores charms, and fell in love - now I have to buy the book and a bundle and make your quilt. Thanks for the opportunity!
Forgot to say what I am grateful for - my family and their understanding! I follow you already.
I am a happy follower too! :-)
My DS's college is over a snow covered mountain from home (abt 5 hours away)~ the first year he came home for Thanksgiving they had a car accident, hit ice and rolled the car; and he took an ambulance ride to the nearest hospital. :-o Now, every year I am so thankful when he makes it home safely! Thanks for the fun!
new to your page, found you on the moda page. Very inspiring. I think it may have something to do with the name "heather" but I might be biased on that lol. Thanks for the inspiration, love your page.
"Heather's Haven"
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