If this is your first time here, Hi! I'm Heather. I've been quilting for over 25 years. I'm the founder of the Baltimore Modern Quilt Guild. I teach and lecture in and around Baltimore, MD/PA/DE and Virginia as well as with the Original Sewing and Quilt Expo. I'm also a contributing author to Classic Modern Quilts. Thanks for stopping by!
This is my second time in Quiltmaker's 100 blocks, and I'm thrilled to share my bock with you:
Strippy Scrappy Kisses (note: naming blocks and quilts is not my strong suit!)
Here's the cover of the magazine, so you can recognize it in the stores:
Oh, hey, there's my block on the cover! Left side, second one down!
For this one, I stayed with what I like: scrap quilts, improv quilts, string quilts. The block components are simple, and can be changed up in lots of ways.
Here's the original:
And here are some other ways to assemble the block. So versatile!
How about that giveaway? Would you like to win your own copy? Just leave me a comment below. Now that the warm weather is finally here, let me know what your favorite summer beverage is. (Mine is green tea lemonade: brew 8-10 green tea bags in about 2 cups of water. Add to a 2 quart pitcher. Add one sleeve of crystal light lemonade mix. Top with water and ice to fill pitcher. Delish!) For an extra chance to win, follow me on instagram. I'm @heatherkojan. Then come back and leave another comment letting me know you're a follower! Oh, and make sure I have a way to reach you, too!
Thanks for visiting! Enjoy all the other stops on the blog tour!

I just followed you on IG.
We enjoy green tea as well. We mix a packet of Crystal Light's peach tea in ours.
I like Iced Tea with fresh mint. Great block.
My favorite drink is ice water!
I already follow you on IG
I love these blocks. What a great book!
I follow you on instagram with the name shroomfrog.
I love lemonade in the summertime! Great block, I will try it!
My favorite summer beverage is iced tea.
My favorite drink is always Diet Coke! Congrats on your block!
I'm so happy to have found you on Instagram!! I am @mamaspark59
Unsweetened iced tea is my go-to summer drink.
I broke my Diet Mountain Dew habit and replaced it with water. It's still not my favorite drink, but I'm trying. ;)
I follow on instagram as @queencitymama89.
Love your block Heather, especially that you can create different designs with it.
My favorite beverage year round is ice cold water!
My favorite summer beverage is ice-cold water.
That's a really cute block! I make sun tea all year round.
Congratulations on your block Heather. It would be a good block to hand quilt: no curves!
I really like your block. I am hoping I win (or failing that - can buy) a copy
Congrats covergirl! Strings and scraps, great combo. My go to beverage is lemon water.
Congratulations on your block Heather. It would be a good block to hand quilt: no curves!
Great block.
summer drink? Pink Lemonaide with a slice of lime. Don't know if it is the color, the flavor, or both!
Really great block! I love a cold Rivella (it is a real Swiss drink you can buy in shops) and just plain cold water!
Hi Heather, This is my first time visiting your blog. I was at QM checking out this month's "Bitty Block" and came across your "Kisses and Hugs" quilt. LOVE! I've also been contemplating starting a modern quilt guild in my area. Do you have any sources to recommend on how to start a guild? As for my favorite summer drink, that would be WATER.
Great block! I love the rainbow effect you get when using scraps. I love sweet tea!
I'm a new follower on IG as Ceciliaquilts.
My favorite beverage is water infused with lemon. But yours sounds delicious, I'll definitely be giving it a try.
I love fresh squeezed lemon/limeade. Thanks for sharing and the chance to win.
Iced tea and lemonade are my favorites!
Congrats on a wonderful block! I can see myself making this block. Thanks for a chance to win a copy of the magazine.
Personally, I like Margaritas :D but since that isn't very practical for day to day consumption, there's nothing quite as satisfying as a glass of ice cold water.
Your block is so happy, love it. I like raspberry ice tea.
Hi Heather, This is my first time looking at your blog. There are so many wonderful ideas, I am going to check here if I want inspiration. Congrats on having your block in the magazine. I esp. like the chevron placement. Ruthie G.
I follow on Instagram. coudre@dmdrafting.com
My favorite drink...hmmm....honestly it would have to be some extremely cold 7up or Sprite with lots and lots of ice chips in it. So, so good on a really hot day. Second to that-iced tea. coudre@dmdrafting.com
I joined BMQG this year & am loving it!
Carol Fox
Heather - Are you kidding? That block name is most excellent!
Congrats on making the book once again. Well done!
My favorite summer drink. Ice water. Love your block. Need to sort my scraps.
I like lemonade and drink that the most! You have a wonderful block! Congrats on getting into the magazine!
I am an instagram follower!
Summer drink is unsweetened ice tea with a splash of cran-raspberry juice to sweeten it. And then, of course, there's the occasional vodka tonic :)
It's great to see so many doable pieced blocks today. I want to try yours using florals.
Love the block, Heather. Congratulations! Nothing like a tall glass of lemonade.
I love this block! I love paper piecing now that I got into it last year.
My favorite summer drink is homemade limeade.
Iced tea! Your block is so simple yet it can be used so many ways. Thanks bjegrandma@gmail.com
I love peach tea. I also love your block. Scrappy quilts are the best!
I Love your block & the colors! I'm a plain ole water drinker myself - ice cold water. Thanks so much for the chance to win :)
Debby E
samtaylorcjsmimi at yahoo dot com
oops - forgot to mention that I don't do instagram - but I'd certainly follow you if I did!
Debby E
samtaylorcjsmimi at yahoo dot com
Iced cold tea
My favorite summer drink is sweet tea! I follow you on Instagram(eneuland)! Love the block!
I live in the deep south, so warm weather is almost year round. So my favorite beverage is SWEET Iced Tea. Thanks for the amazing block. Congrats on being a cover girl. Thanks for the giveaway!
I love lemonade!!
I am now following you on Instagram :-)
What a very versatile block you have shared with us today. Just love it and it is just so full of color. I love your lemonade recipe. I believe I am gonna make me some and enjoy the rest of the blog tour. Thank you for being a part of the QM's 100 Blocks, Volume 11 blog tour, sharing your block with all of us and the chance to win a copy of this magazine to enjoy with a glass of this wonderful tea lemonade.
Sandi Timmons
You have inspired me with your block, now I can used my leftovers of pretty fabric to make your block. I love lemonade.
Hot tea for me! Lovely block!!!
I love Raspberry lemonade: very refreshing on a hot day!
Can't wait to get my hands on a copy so I can get started making your awesome block! I have all the strings ready to go! When it's really hot, I enjoy a cold beer. :-)
My favorite beverage for summer s water with lemon. You block I awesome!
I really like the block--I'm thinking spring is finally here. I like sweet tea, year round, but it seems to be especially pleasing in the hot summer months. poladydwd(at)yahoo(dot)com
I love half tea, half lemonade. Very refreshing!
Can't wait to try your block. So fun!
On a hot day, I like lemonade made with ginger and honey.
I'm now following you on IG
I love lemonade - nice and tart.
I'm following you on IG, Heather
My favorite summer drink is a Sea Breeze
With or without Vodka. Vodka, grapefruit juice and Cranberry juice and lots and lots of ice
Judy is Judy.dunlap@ymail.com with
I love Sangria in the summer. Delish.
Thanks for sponsoring the giveaway! Darling block design.
My favorite drink is iced tea...no flavor, no sugar, nothing added...just tea. Love your block-there are so many ways to arrange it!
Just give me a tall glass of refreshing ice water and I am happy. jitney41 at gmail dot com
my favorite summer drink is lemonade love it
i follow you on instagram erin2470
Southern sweet tea! Live your block!
Congratulations on making the cover of Quiltmaker's! Your block is stunning! I can definitely see making this one! I love to drink frozen margaritas in the summer! Yummy! Have to wait for it to warm up though! Hugs, Karen
My favorite beverage in cold AND hot weather is hot coffee with a dabble of coconut oil :)
Love your block in the X shape and in the O shape.
I'm kind of boring. Diet Coke or plain cold water is generally the way I roll...all year long...maybe some iced tea if it's a long hot spell :-)
Thanks for joining the Quiltmakers 100 Blocks tour.
Love your colorful block. As to favorite drink it is just plain old water from the sky as we catch our water from the roof. We live on a island and it has lots of rock and lots of rain!
Unsweetened Ice tea!
I love your block! Looks very versatile. My favorite summer drink is Long Island Iced Tea. Thanks!
Please click on the delaineelliott above for my email link.
Wonderful block and I like how it can be changed around for new looks. I drink watered down orange juice, gives it just enough flavor and lots of water to keep me hydrated.
Nice scrappy block, lemonade is my favorite. 24Tangent@gmail.com
I love citrus green tea during the hot summer months! It reminds me of my feet in the sand at the beach! We freeze them and then sip on them in the sun as the tea thaws!!
When it's hot outside I like iced coffee with a bit of chocolate syrup in it. Love your block, scrappy with controlled colors is always a winner with me.
Iced tea or tea lemonade made with frozen lemonade concentrate
Water is my choice. When it gets really hot (100's) and water won't do, then I go to iced tea.
Love this block. my favorite drink is diet coke with lots of ice
I already follow you on instagram as marg1950
I like water with lemon sauce or white wine with water.
Congratulations on being chosen for the magazine. I love your block. I like scrappy and bright colors and this is right up my alley. My favorite summer beverage is lemonade made w/ frozen canned lemonade and I add a squeezed wedge of lemon to my glass. It adds so much flavor. cknapp3626@sbcglobal.net
Hi! I just signed up to follow you on Instagram. cknapp3626@sbcglobal.net
congrats. this is such a fun block. I love to make my own iced tea. I like it light so when I make it I make it dark so I add water to it. I like to think it last in the fridge a bit longer that way. lol I make a gallon at a time. 2 Lipton tea bags and 3 constant comment tea bags. has a nice light orange flavor.
quilting lady 2 at Comcast dot net
I like two equally well. Unsweetened Teas and cold beer....:)
Mix of peach & sweet teas is my choice.
Great block! My fav is cold brew iced coffee. hm, maybe I will make a batch today. I already follow you on IG.
I just love blocks that let me use up scraps! Great design :o) My favorite summer beverage is iced coffee...yum, yum!! Thanks so much for an opportunity to win a copy of the Volume 11 issue!
Your block is very summery itself--though, obviously, versatile depending on fabric choices. It could even be used in a signature album quilt.
In summer I love sun tea, unsweetened, but occasionally need a fix of Kool Aid Lemonade (half the sugar, though).
I LOVE your block. A great way to use up your stash, and so many different possibilities. My favorite summer beverage is ice cold lemonade with mint leaves.
Sweet tea is my favorite. Thanks.
I love sparkling water with LOTS of ice in summer time.
:) Linda
Very pretty. Love the colors. Thanks for sharing.
I love water with lemons. Thank you for sharing this super block!!! Can't wait to start sorting my scraps into colors to make an X and O quilt. Thanks again!
I'm a new follower on Instagram!
Your block is a great way to use up some scraps and it looks nice in all the versions you have shown. I like nothing better than a glass of ice water on a cold day.
I love these blocks!
My favorite summer drink is lemonade. Love the scrappy block.
Cute block. I usually drink just ice water.
Peach tea is a favorite of mine. I like that your block is so scrap friendly. It looks super.
I drink a variety of teas...hot in the cold weather and iced in the summer. Love your happy block!
I'm a water drinker year around. Sometimes I like peach tea. I love your block!
My favorite is Peach tea. It comes in a powder mix.
Love your block Heather. My favorite drink is a cold glass of good "well" water. Thank you for the chance to win a copy of the magazine.
Great scrappy block. My favorite summer drink is lemonade.
I am a water person, no ice.
I think your block would look great in the zig zag pattern!
How fun to be a covergirl! Awesome block too. Mine is Jasmine Tea....so refreshing.
My favorite summer beverage is iced tea. I usually use decaffinated black tea, but your green tea lemonade sounds good!
I love raspberry iced tea. So gooood.
I love honey ginger lemonade.
Thanks for the giveaway.
I love your block! I like fruit infused ice water in the summer, but I am also naughty and enjoy a real sugar pepsi once in awhile too.
My favorite drink is ice tea, made with black tea, with a dash of lemon juice.
Love your block! I have a plastic container full of bright scraps that would work great.
My family makes "Easy Party Punch". 2 packets of orange Kool-Aid, a large can of pineapple juice, a quart of water, 1/2 cup of sugar, liter of 7-Up or Sprite (can be diet), and a few scoops of orange sherbet. Delicious!
I like to drink sun tea!
My favorite drink is water with orange, lemon and raspberries in it. I love it!
I'd say ice cold lemonade.
Lemonade! Love the block!
Water is my favorite all the time drink. Do love an iced coffee or Frappuccino for a treat.
I like an Arnold Palmer (iced tea & lemonade) thks. pjrcontest (at) msn (dot) com
Frozen lemonade is my favorite summertime drink.
I have a large abundant lemon tree in the back yard...LOVE fresh squeezed lemonade.
Arnie Palmer - 1/2 lemonade 1/2 tea
Hugs and kisses blocks are great!
I love lemonade. Strawberry or raspberry.
I'm also very partial to Crystal Light Energy in the Pomegranate Lemonade.
Such a pretty block, so colorful, and easy to use different ways. My favorite beverage is iced tea - plain, brewed, no flavoring, and no sugar.
iced coffee!!
I love raspberry lemonade but your green tea lemonade sounds delicious too.
I love your use of bright, cheery colors! Thanks for the chance to win.
I forgot to mention - my favorite summertime drink is an ice cold Pepsi in a frosted glass mug.
Your block looks very fun. Congrats on being chosen to be in the magazine. My favorite drink is sweet tea. It just quenches the thirst and heat of summer so well.
I love the block(s) you created! So much potential for all those little scraps! My favorite summer drink is water... Honestly. LOTS of ice though. Sometimes I put fruit in it, but normally just plain.
I love your block! I love seeing new ways to use my scraps! I love a tall glass of ice tea and on those special occasions a nice margarita!
I love scrappy, I love strings and I love your block!
I just started following you on IG--my favorite beverage is plain iced tea--no sweetener, just a sprinkle of True Lemon or True Lime.
My favorite is flavored water, either mango or grapefruit.
Unfortunately, I don't do instagram. Just not that much connect to social media. I find it takes away from quilting. But, thanks anyway.
Hi- I'd love to make your block in x's and o's ... in the shape of a heart. My eldest grandson left this in a note to my two granddaughters!So cute!
In summer we make sun tea with green tea and fresh mint or with Constant Comment tea. Yum.
My favorite summer beverage is sipping a French rose on the back deck.
I like ice cold lemonade!
I love iced chai tea latte. Your block is fun.
Peach iced tea! But I'm gonna try yours too!!!
New follower on Instagram!
I like cloudy lemonade.
jen dot barnard at btinternet dot com
I like lemonade in the summer. Your block is so cute. Love the colors.
Raspberry lemonade is my favorite!
I am a sweet tea lover year round. Love the block, Heather! Thanks for the giveaway.
I am now on Instagram. Thanks for the giveaway.
Old fashioned super sweet tea (southern style!) or fresh lemonade!
I'm from Texas, so it has to be cold sweet tea!
Favorite warm weather beverage is cold Old fashioned fresh lemonade with lots of pulp. kthurn@bektel.com
Water with lemon.
Favorite? Just plain old ice water.
My favourite block today!
I love Pimms!
Mountain Dew!!!
Cute block! I like raspberry lemonade in the summer - so refreshing!
Iced tea! Boring but good.
Crystal light mojito!
Following you on IG...I am punkydoodle53
Going to try this block for sure! and I love the green tea lemonade recipe...thanks for sharing!
Sun tea! And sometimes I'll make lemonade ice cubes to add to it. kathleendotlutzatcomcastdotnet
Very cute block. I love cold ice tea. Thanks.
Your block's so cute!!!, my fave drink's Iced tea.
Water--we have the best well water! Inspired by your block, another baby qui,t on the horizon.... Enjoyed having you at our meeting last night!
I'm a Southern Gal...... Sweet Ice Tea.
loved the rocket block. I get your emails and would love to get newsletters too.
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Most cryptocurrency transactions are recorded on blockchain ledgers, using unique addresses to identify users. With the right tools and expertise, tracing a scammer is more possible than you might believe. Go to google and Do your research about blockchain ledgers and consult Rustik Cyber Hack Service for crypto recovery assistance.
Read more about Rustik Cyber Hack Service
Welcome to the world of Rustik Cyber Hack Service, where lost cryptocurrencies find their way back home. Rustik Cyber Hack Service is a leading provider in the realm of crypto recovery, helping individuals and businesses reclaim their digital assets with precision and expertise. With a team of skilled professionals and cutting-edge technology, Rustik Cyber Hack Service is your go-to ally in navigating the complex world of cryptocurrency recovery. Crypto recovery poses unique challenges, from tracing the path of lost funds in the decentralized blockchain network to dealing with cybercriminals and their sophisticated tactics. Without the right expertise and tools, recovering lost cryptocurrencies can feel like searching for a needle in a digital haystack. Rustik Cyber Hack Service employs advanced forensic techniques to analyze blockchain transactions, track the movement of lost funds, and identify potential avenues for recovery. Their thorough investigation is key to unraveling the mystery of lost cryptocurrencies. Rustik Cyber Hack Service is like the Batman of the cryptocurrency world, swooping in to save the day when digital disasters strike. With a team of tech-savvy superheroes, they specialize in recovering lost or stolen cryptocurrencies, protecting against cyber threats, and generally being the digital knights in shining armor we all need. Picture this: You get an email that looks legit, asking for your login details to your crypto account. You innocently comply, only to realize it was a phishing attack, and your precious coins are now in the hands of cyber crooks. Rustik Cyber Hack Service can help you reclaim your lost funds and tighten up your online security game. It’s like a heist straight out of a Hollywood movie – cybercriminals infiltrate a cryptocurrency exchange and make off with millions of dollars worth of digital currency. If you find yourself on the wrong end of an exchange hack, Rustik Cyber Hack Service can help track down the culprits and get your stolen coins back where they belong – in your wallet, not theirs. Reach Rustik cyber hack service via: Email: (rustikcyberhackservice@gmail.com) Get more information on Web site: RUSTIKCYBERHACKSERVICE.COM and easily reach out to Rustik Cyber Hack Service through WhatsApp + and Telegram: @rustikcyberhackservice
Cyber security agency #CryptoSafety #ScamAwareness #BlockchainSecurity #ForexScamAwareness #InvestSmart #TradingSafety
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