Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Deer Cafe

Last night, two bucks stopped by for dinner. They ate and left before I could grab my camera. This morning, these doe came for breakfast.

I like to think that this conversation happened:

Doe: Where'd you two go last night?

Buck: Oh, we tried this new place over on Esgarth. Great food, really fresh. Nice atmosphere. You should try it.

Doe: The girls and I were planning to have breakfast together tomorrow. I think we'll give it a go.

I know that some consider the deer a nuisance. I invite them. Their quiet, gentle presence makes me smile.


Unknown said...

I love this post. Thank you for sharing.

Kathleen said...

The deer at my house don't stand a chance of eating with my Chesapeake Bay Retriever. I won't even let her out until I check for deer! :) They are pretty but I sure wish they would eat the weeds!

BillieBee (billiemick) said...

Fantastic picture!

sew_inspired said...

now i understand why everyone says you live in the "country" ;-)

sewtakeahike said...

aww, they're so cute! We live right in the middle of Fort Collins, CO and have deer roaming around a lot. It's kind of wierd, but they are really fun to watch!

Karen said...

Very funny!!!
We stayed at a b&b and a doe and her little babe came up to the window and ate the tops of the roses. I was pleased by the visit. My husband who is a rose grower was not at all happy.
Thank you for having the deer cafe. Hope to see more photos...Karencg